與好奇心有關的英語名言警句:好奇心是這個世界前進的動力,失去了好奇心,就失去了對新事物的探索能力,所以說保持一顆恰當的好奇心是非常有必要的,但是過分的好奇,也會傷害到我們自己甚至身邊的人,那么怎樣才能保持恰當的好奇心呢?下面就是關于好奇心的名言警句,一起欣賞。 我們小的時候,都是對新事物有著莫大的新鮮感、好奇心,隨著時間的推移,我們漸漸長大,對社會的認知也就越來越多,于是我們慢慢的發現失去了對事物的好奇心,反而會抵觸新事物,其實保持一顆好奇心是非常有必要的,不僅能夠讓我們活在新鮮事物里,也讓我們的人生更加的精彩。 1、要把好奇心當成工具。 As a tool to curiosity. 2、好奇心改變世界。 Curiosity to change the world. 3、沒有欲望,沒有好奇心,活著干嘛? No desire, no curiosity, alive? 4、失去好奇心的那瞬間,人就死了。 Lose the curiosity that moment, the person died. 5、好奇心帶來強大以及死亡。 Bring strong curiosity and death. 6、年輕人,好奇心終究會毀了你的一切。 Young man, curiosity will eventually ruin your everything. 7、好奇心不僅會害死貓,還會害死你的心。 Curiosity kills the cat not only, still can kill your heart. 8、有時候闖禍的往往是因為一個人的好奇心。 Sometimes the trouble often because a person's curiosity. 9、唯有保持強烈的好奇心,才能不間斷的永遠進步。 Only keep curiosity, can uninterrupted progress forever. 10、一個失去了好奇心的人,活著有什么意義呢? A man lost curiosity, what's the meaning of living? 11、成為一個優秀哲學家的唯一條件是要有好奇心。 The only condition is to become an outstanding philosophers have curiosity. 12、我們思想的發展在某種意義上常常來源與好奇心。 The development of our thought in some sense often source and curiosity. 13、女人的好奇心毀滅自己,男人的好奇心毀滅他人。 Woman's curiosity to destroy them, man's curiosity to destroy others. 14、那些讓你猜不透的人讓你產生的會不止是好奇心。 Those who make you doubting let you will be more than just a curiosity. 15、人生最寂寞的事,莫過于對世界失去了好奇心。 The most lonely things in life, nothing is better than lose the curiosity to the world. 16、收起那些不必要的好奇心,因為別人都與你無關。 Pack up the unnecessary curiosity, because others have nothing to do with you. 17、人應該對自己保持好奇心,但并不是要迷戀于自己。 People should keep curiosity to himself, but it is not to have a crush on his. 18、好奇心,即讓人類進步,也讓人類險己于危險之中。 Curiosity, that is, let the human progress, also let the human risk yourself at risk. 19、若能保持一顆純真的好奇心,生活中快樂便無處不在。 If you can keep a pure curiosity, then happiness is everywhere in life. 20、暗弱,面對未知卻不懷有敬畏之心卻用好奇心來對待。 Faint, facing the unknown, but don't fear of heart, but to treat with curiosity. 21、我想知道許多不可能的事情,但那僅僅是好奇心在作祟。 I want to know a lot of impossible things, but that is only a curiosity. 22、每個人都有自個的秘密,沒那么多好奇心就不會有麻煩,也不會煩惱。 Everyone has their secret, don't have that much curiosity there would be no trouble, don't worry. 23、青春逝去,一定不是從皺紋開始的,而是好奇心和求知欲的喪失。 Youth fades, certainly not from wrinkles, but the loss of their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. 24、如果為了莫名的好奇心和正義感而猶豫的話,也許會失去一切的。 If hesitate for sense of curiosity and sense of justice, may lose everything. 25、在無知和智慧之間的空擋,好奇心出現了,事實卻證明它難堪大任。 The gap between ignorance and wisdom, curiosity, the fact proved it embarrassing. 26、喪失了好奇心,對任何事都不覺得驚奇的人,都目光黯淡,與死無異。 Lost the curiosity, not surprised on anything, all eyes, and death. 27、當人們治愈了好奇心以后,無疑也需要治愈過分的謹慎心。 When people cured curiosity, no doubt, also need cure too cautious. 28、有些事一做就會上癮,如果這樣,我寧愿一開始不要那些所謂的好奇心。 There are some things to do is addictive, and if so, I would rather don't those so-called initially curiosity. 29、青年的朝氣倘已消失,前進不己的好奇心已衰退以后,人生就沒有意義。 If lost youth vigor, forward own curiosity has not recession, life is meaningless. 30、因為好奇心是沒有道德的。這也許就是人類可能擁有的最不道德的欲望。 There is no moral because of curiosity. This is probably the most immoral to humans may have desires. 31、不要試圖接近我,你會懊惱為什么你的好奇心這么重,畢竟距離產生美。 Don't try to close to me, you will regret why your curiosity is so heavy, after all, distance produce beauty. 32、好奇心沒有什么道德可言,或許這就是人類可以擁有的最不道德的欲望。 Curiosity there is no morality at all, perhaps this is the most immoral man can have desire. 33、我跟著我的直覺和好奇心走,遇到的很多東西,此后被證明是無價之寶。 I follow my intuition and curiosity, met a lot of things, has been proved to be invaluable. 34、人就怕好奇心,一個不經意,知道了些不該知道的東西,不愿知道的事! People are afraid of curiosity, a casual, know some shouldn't know something, don't want to know! 35、當理性面對未知時,會產生探究的沖動,要把未知變成知,這就是好奇心。 When rational in the face of the unknown, will produce explore the impulse, to turn unknown to known, this is curiosity. 36、人生那么多岔路,每條都想去的好奇心可以贏過走在固定步道上的遠行嗎? So many forks in the road of life, want to go to the curiosity of each can be won in fixed trails on travel? 37、好奇心這個東西,即使它不是人類墮落的起源,也是人類墮落后產生的怪物。 Curiosity this stuff, even if it is not the origin of human depravity, is also a monster produced after the fall of man. 38、好奇心就像是一把刀,一刀刀刺中你的心,而且,最可憐的是,這是你自找的。 Curiosity is like a knife, YiDaoDao hitting your heart, and the poor is, this is you asked for it. 39、人生是要活的,必須活得興致勃勃,充滿好奇心,無論如何也決不要背對著生活。 Life is to live, must live in spirits, full of curiosity, no matter how to also never turn your back on life. 40、所有被掩蓋起來不讓人看的秘密,正是喚起一種不健康的好奇心,一種病態的遐想。 All the cover up don't let a person see the secret, is arouse the curiosity of an unhealthy, a morbid imagination. 41、多數時候,我們不是沒有了好奇心,而是隨著年齡的增長,逐漸失掉了好奇的勇氣。 Most of the time, we don't have no curiosity, but as the growth of the age, gradually lost the curiosity of courage. 42、對風景,哪怕是再美麗的風景,我的好奇心已經愈來愈小,而對人的好奇大大增加了。 The scenery, even if again beautiful scenery, my curiosity has become more and more small, and to the person's curiosity is greatly increased. 43、人都有好奇心里,與人相識記得留有余地,留給別人對你的期待,留給自己進取的機會! Person has a curious mind, met with people, remember to leave room for you to leave to others expectations, to yourself and enterprising! |