大自然是我們生存的根本,人類一直在接受著大自然的饋贈,然而隨著經濟的發(fā)展,人類對大自然的破壞也愈加,我們整理了與保護大自然有關的英語名言警句,希望喚起大家對保護大自然的重視,讓我們攜手創(chuàng)造一個美的自然環(huán)境。 1、那里有綠色,哪里就有生命。 There are green, where there is life. 2、保護我們的家園,讓地球充滿綠色。 To protect our homes, let the earth is full of green. 3、提高環(huán)境意識,保護美好家園。 Raise the environmental consciousness, protect the homeland. 4、撿起一張紙,創(chuàng)造一個美的環(huán)境。 Picked up a piece of paper, to create a beautiful environment. 5、保護環(huán)境,就是愛惜生命。 Protect the environment, is to cherish life. 6、讓風沙不再猖狂,還地球一片綠色鋪墊。 Let wind no longer abroad and also a piece of green earth. 7、人人關心環(huán)境質量,人人參與環(huán)境保護。 All concerned about environmental quality, all involved in environmental protection. 8、讓綠色在生活中洋溢,讓心靈在綠色中放飛。 Let the green in life with, let the heart fly in the green. 9、保持地球生態(tài)平衡,就是保護人數自身。 Keep the ecological balance on earth, is to protect the number itself. 10、讓天更藍,讓水更清,讓我們從小事做起。 Let the sky bluer, the water cleaner, let's start small. 11、多種一棵翠綠的小樹,還我一片蔚藍的天空。 A variety of a tree green trees, also I a piece of blue sky. 12、人類的最后一滴水,將是環(huán)境破壞后悔恨的淚。 The last drop of human, will be tears of remorse after environmental damage. 13、愛綠護綠,保護環(huán)境;勤儉節(jié)約,珍惜資源。 Love green protect green, environmental protection; Thrift, cherish resources. 14、把綠色帶到世界每一個角落,讓綠色流入人們心中。 Take the green to every corner of the world, let the green into people's minds. ![]() 15、人的生命是有限的,保護環(huán)境是無限的。 A man's life is limited, to protect the environment is unlimited. 16、為了這一代和將來的世世代代,必須保護環(huán)境。 In order to this generation and future generations, we must protect the environment. 17、多栽一棵樹,就給人類多增添一絲生存的希望。 Plant a tree, give human more add a little hope of survival. 18、幸福生活不只在于豐衣足食,也在于碧水藍天。 Is happy life not only have ample food and clothing, also lies in the clear water, blue sky. 19、綠化是我們生存的希望,美化是我們做人的根本。 Green is our survival hope, beautification is fundamental to our life. 20、地球只有一個,失去它,我們到哪里去尋找家園。 There is only one earth, lose it, where are we going to look for their homes. 21、地球能滿足人類的需要,但滿足不了人類的貪婪。 The earth can meet the needs of human beings, but can't satisfy the human greed. 22、保護環(huán)境,要你十分留心,十分細心,十分有心。 Protect the environment, to you very, very careful, very considerate. 23、人類有了綠樹、鮮花和小草,生活才會更美麗。 Humans have the green trees, flowers and grass, life will be more beautiful. 24、只有保護環(huán)境,明天,美好的明天!就指日可待了! Only protect the environment, tomorrow, better tomorrow! Just around the corner! 25、天空是小鳥家,河流是魚兒的家,地球是我們的家。 The sky is the bird house, river is the home of the fish, the earth is our home. 26、愛護環(huán)境,保護地球,讓我們托起雙手共同撐起一片蔚藍的天空。 Good care environment, protect the earth, let us hold up both hands to hold up a piece of blue sky. 27、人類需要的是綠色,只有保護好環(huán)境,才能擁有綠色。 Human need is green, and only protect the environment, to have green. 28、綠化做得好,染污就減少。垃圾分類放,環(huán)境有保障。 Landscaping done well, reduce contamination. Put garbage classification, environment protection. 29、讓水更清,讓天更藍,讓花更艷,讓我們的地球更美麗。 Make water is more clear, day more blue, let more colourful flowers, make our earth more beautiful. 30、帶著歡樂舞步,讓風沙停止,讓小鳥起舞,讓綠色騰飛。 With joy dance steps, stop sand, make the birds dance, make the green. 31、門前院后種棵樹,室內陽臺養(yǎng)盆花,健康幸福到你家。 In front of the hospital after the kind of tree, indoor the balcony a potted flower, health and happiness to your home. |