在人生的長河中,總有做錯事情的時候,總有對不起的人,也總有內疚的時候,這時候我們就需要自我反省,以及向別人道歉懺悔,下面學習力為您整理了關于表達歉意的常用英語句子,希望能夠提升您對英語的理解及應用能力。![]() I didn't mean to. 2、我永遠不能原諒自己。 I'll never forgive myself. 3、我怎么會那么粗心大意呢? How could I be so careless? 4、我一定痛改前非。 I must have had. 5、我是來向你道歉的。 I am apologize to you. 6、原諒我吧!我知道錯了。 Forgive me! I know I was wrong. 7、都是我的錯,是我惹的禍。 It's all my fault, I am to blame. 8、我要怎樣才能補償你? I need to do to make it up to you? 9、你會原諒我嗎? Will you ever forgive me? 10、如果我是你,我會向他道歉的。 If I were you, I would apologize to him. 11、侮辱那些無法要你道歉的人,本身就是怯懦的表現(xiàn)。 Insult people who can't apologize to you, is cowardly. 12、對你的無心傷害,傷的是你,痛的是我。 To you not intentional harm, hurt you, is I in pain. 13、嚇著你了嗎?只是一個小玩笑,別介意哦! Scare you? Just a little joke, never mind! 14、對不起,開個玩笑,有得罪處請包含。 I'm sorry, just kidding, offend place, please include. 15、一顆傻傻的心,在癡癡的等著你的原諒! A heart silly, in the stupid waiting for you to forgive! 16、愧疚的我不知道該怎樣開口,但還是要說聲對不起。 Sorry I don't know how to speak, but I still want to say sorry. 17、在這我真誠地請你原諒,別生氣了好嗎? In this I sincerely beg your pardon, don't angry, please? 18、我或許是一個笨蛋,但是請相信我,我并不是有意的。 I may be a fool, but please believe me, I am not interested. 19、都是我亂說惹的禍,對不起,我再也不亂說了,請你原諒我。 Is my blather, I'm sorry, I don't say anymore, please forgive me. 20、我知道。你一定是生氣了。因為我看到:你的頭發(fā)炸起來了。 I know. You must be angry. Because I see: your hair blow up. 21、對于過去所犯的錯誤,最好的道歉是在將來做正確的事。 Apologize for the mistakes in the past, the best is to do the right thing in the future. 22、不要道歉,因為一旦說了對不起,就代表一定有所虧欠。 Don't apologize, because once you said I'm sorry, you must have some owe representative. 23、我想,我犯的錯誤并不太大,但需要一輩子來向你解釋,聽聽成嗎? I think I made the mistake is not too big, but you need a lifetime to explain, listen to? 24、對不起,是我傷了你的心,請原諒我,我會一輩子疼你愛你作為補償! I'm sorry, is I hurt your heart, please forgive me, I'll hurt you love you as compensation. |