![]() 1、industry isfortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 節儉和勤奮是幸運的左右手。 2、有勤又有儉,生活甜又甜。——諺語 Hard and thrifty, life sweet. -- proverb 3、穿破才是衣。——諺語 Is the clothing worn out. -- proverb 4、節約時間勝過儲存金銀。——-諺語 Saving time is better than storing gold and silver. - proverb 5、節約和勤勉是人類兩大名醫。——(法)盧梭 Saving and diligence is human two famousdoctors. - (Law) Rousseau 6、勇敢,事情必成;勤勞,幸福必到——蒙古 Brave, things will become; industry, happiness will come to Mongolia 勤儉節儉的名言英語 7、精打細算,油鹽不斷 We live very careful in reckoning. 8、憂勞可以興國,逸豫可以亡身。——歐陽修 One could, leisurelyhenan can dead body. -- Ou Yangxiu 9、奢者富不足,儉者貧有余。——王應麟 She is rich enough, thrifty person more than the poor. -- Wang Yinglin 10、飽時省一口,餓時得一斗。 When you are full, you have a fight when you are hungry. 11、知足是天然的財富,奢侈是人為的貧困。 Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is man's poverty. 12、豐收萬石,也要粗茶淡飯。 Wan Shi to harvest, homely fare. 13、不當家不知柴米貴。 Don't see your family. 14、樹以果子出名,人以勞動出名。(蘇聯) The tree is famous for its fruit, and the man is famous for its labor. (Soviet Union) 15、勤儉是幸福之本,浪費是貧困之苗。——諺語 Thrift is the root of happiness, waste is poor seedling. -- proverb 16、勤能補拙,省能補貧。 Qinnengbuzhuo, province to fill the poor. 17、早起的鳥兒捉的蟲子多。(英國) The early bird catches the worm. (UK) 18、勞動可以使平時變成節日。 Labor can make a holiday. 19、勤奮者廢寢忘食,懶惰人總沒有時間日本 Hard work and lazy, people have no time in Japan 20、節儉是你生中食用不完的美筵。——愛默生 Thrift is consumed in your beauty feast. -- Emerson 21、珍惜水就是珍惜你的生命。 Cherish the water is to cherish your life. 22、一顆米粒九十九個工。——諺語 A grain of ninety-nine workers. -- proverb 23、只有栽種樹苗,才能吃到果實。(柬埔寨) Only plant seedlings, to eat fruit. (Kampuchea) 24、欲求溫飽,勤儉為要。 For food and clothing, to thrift. 25、省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。——諺語 Eat meal, in the new province. -- proverb 26、節約能源有良方,充分利用自然光。 Energy conservation has a good recipe, make full use of natural light. 27、披著破大氅的,往往是個好酒徒(西班牙) A broken cloak, is often a good drinker (Spain) 28、節約一分錢,等于生產一分錢(英國) To save a penny, is equal to the production of a penny (UK) 29、吃不窮,穿不窮,打算不到就受窮。——諺語 The poor do not eat, do not wear the poor, to not to be poor. -- proverb 30、靜以修身,儉以養德。——諸葛亮 Static to self-cultivation, Kim tak. -- Zhu Geliang 31、儉是你一生中食之不完的美筵(愛默生) Thrifty is the food in your life, endless beauty feast (Emerson) 32、通向榮譽的道路是由勞動鋪設的。(意大利) The road to glory is paved by labor. (Italy) 33、細雨落成河,粒米湊成籮。——諺語 The rain falls into the river, the grain of rice to make baskets. -- proverb 34、冷天不凍下力漢,黃土不虧勤勞人。——佚名 The cold does not freeze under the force of Chinese loess, do not lose people industrious. I 35、一天省一口,一年省一斗。——諺語 One day a province, a year to save a bucket. -- proverb 36、節儉是你一生中食不完的美筵。 Thrift is your life endless beauty feast food. 37、蜜蜂因夏天勤勞才能冬天食蜜——英國 Bees in the summer because of hard work to eat honey in the winter - the United Kingdom 38、奢侈品消費應量力而行,切莫攀比。 Luxury consumption should act, not to compete. 39、不喝酒,不抽煙,三年省下無數錢 Do not drink, do not smoke, three years to save countless money 40、積小利,成巨富(英國) Small gains bring great wealth (UK) 41、惜衣有衣,惜食有食 Your clothes are clothing, cherish food with food 42、從儉入奢易,從奢入儉難。 From the extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy. 43、勤能補拙,省能補貧 Qinnengbuzhuo, province to fill the poor 44、飽時省一口,餓時得一斗。——諺語 When you are full, you have a fight when you are hungry. -- proverb 45、民生在勤,勤則不匱。 No, To live well, one must work diligently. frequently. 46、奢侈乃德義之滅亡。 Luxury is the death of righteousness. 47、滴水湊成河,粒米湊成籮。——諺語 Get dripping into the river, the grain of rice to make baskets. -- proverb 48、天上落金子,也要起得早。 And the gold that is in the heaven shall rise early. 49、節約莫怠慢,積少成千萬。——-范繼亭 Save Mo neglect, less tens of millions. - Fan Jiting 50、好處安身,苦處用錢 The benefits of shelter, money problems 51、節約與勤勉是人類兩個名醫。——盧梭 Saving and diligence are the two famous man. -- Rousseau 52、積小利,成巨富。——英國 Small?Gains?Bring?Great?Wealth。 - Britain 53、新三年,舊三年,縫縫補補又三年。——諺語 Three years old, three years and three years, sewing. -- proverb 54、精打細算夠半年,遇到荒年不受難 Very careful in reckoning enough for half a time of famine, not suffering 55、精打細算,有吃有穿;大吃大喝,當屋賣鍋。 Very careful in reckoning for food and clothing, eating and drinking, when the house selling pot. 56、儉本身就是一宗財產(英國) Frugality is an estate itself (UK) 57、財有限,費用無窮,當量入為出。顏之推 Wealth is limited, the cost is infinite, and the equivalent into the. Yen Chih-Tui 58、誰愛風流高格調,共憐時世儉梳妝 Who love romantic style, a total of poor times Jian dressing 59、吃飯要知牛馬善,著絲應記養蠶人 To know the Niu Mashan dinner, a silk sericulture people should remember 60、糧再多,野菜也要備幾鍋。——諺語 Food more, wild herbs have to prepare a few pots. -- proverb 61、三年不喝酒,買頭大水牛。——諺語 Three years do not drink, buy a big buffalo. -- proverb 62、儉入奢易,從奢入儉難 Extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy 63、只有勤來沒有儉,好比有針沒有線。 Not only to Qin Jian, like a needle without line. 64、居家不能不儉,創業不能不勤。 Home not thrifty, entrepreneurship must often. 65、saving from ourselves節約從我做起 66、energy is limited, save unlimited能源有限,節約無限 67、a penny saved is a penny earned節約一分錢就是賺了一分錢 68、industry is the soul of business and the keystoneof prosperity 勤勞是事業的靈魂, 是成功的基石。 69、if you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天賦, 勤勉會使你完善; 如果你能力一般, 勤勉能補足你的缺陷。 70、idleness is the root of all evils懶惰是萬惡之源。 71、industry is fortunes right hand, and frugality her left節儉和勤奮是幸運的左右手。 -----john ray 約翰雷 72、only by working hard can we reap a bumper harvest只有通過辛勤的勞動才能收獲豐碩的成果。 73、he that will thrive must rise at five五點起床, 家業興旺。 10.take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves小財注意, 大財自來。 74、industry is thesoul of business and the keystone of prosperity. 勤勞是事業的靈魂,是成功的基石。 75、if you havegreat talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderateabilities, industry will supply their deficiency. 76、如果你很有天賦, 勤勉會使你完善;如果你能力一般, 勤勉能補足你的缺陷。 77、idleness is theroot of all evils. 懶惰是萬惡之源。 78、industry isfortune's right hand, and frugality her left. 節儉和勤奮是幸運的左右手。 79、only by workinghard can we reap a bumper harvest. 只有通過辛勤的勞動才能收獲豐碩的成果。 80、誰知盤中餐,粒粒皆辛苦 Who knows Chinese food, every grain of hard work 80句關于勤儉節約的英語名言就為您介紹到這里,請您訪問學習力名人名言欄目,這里有更多的英語名言。 |